I have tested with AncestryDNA, MyHeritageDNA, and FamilyTreeDNA, so I have a lot of results to study and work with. Today, I discovered two YouTube videos by Crista Cowen at Ancestry.com. In them she explains two key aspects of my DNA test results: 1.You Received Your Results. Now What? (Part One) | AncestryDNA 2.You Received
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My 2017 Year-End Letter to Relatives and Friends
December 2017 Greetings from Brecksville, This is the toughest year-end letter I have ever written. My trusted proofreader is not available to give her stamp of approval. It has been seven months since MJ passed away after a lengthy period of declining health. Fortunately, she was able to spend her last days at our home
Read on »My Results from MyHeritageDNA
Just checked the MyHeritageDNA website and learned that my DNA test results are available. This makes the third DNA test that I have taken; the other two being AncestryDNA and FamilyTreeDNA. According to MyHeritageDNA, I am 56.9% Finnish, 30.2% North and West European, and 12.7% South Europe (7.1% Iberian and 5.6% Sardinian). This compares with
Read on »Our Testing with AncestryDNA is Underway
On 27 Apr 2015, I took advantage of a special offer from AncestryDNA for autosomal DNA testing at $79, a reduction from the regular price of $99. AncestryDNA was offering the special price in conjunction with its celebration of DNA Day on April 25. What is National DNA Day? Here is how Wikipedia.org describes it.
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