Posts Tagged: Online Research

Finding Images of Our Residences in Parma, Ohio

On December 23, 2016, I created a post about discussing our first two places of residence in Parma with my wife, MJ. You can read that post here. For some reason, today I decided to learn what I could see by looking up the two addresses on Google. Sure enough, when I plugged in the

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Guide to Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Research

I live in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. I am the only member of my family who lives in the county, and I have had only a few relatives who have lived hereabouts over the years. Still, I do Cuyahoga County research for clients and friends and I am impressed with the number of resources that are

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Andover Square Mystery

I was looking earlier today for historical information about Andover, the village and township in Ashtabula County, Ohio, where I grew up. There is precious little available online providing details of the the village’s history. On a whim, I Googled for postcards showing scenes of Andover. Most of them showed buildings and scenes I could

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Veterans Burial Registrations Provide Service Info

Today I received an email from suggesting that I had a photo hint for Matthias Flaugh Jr. It was for a Veterans’ Grave Registration Card for the guy who was my 3X great grandfather. When I went to his profile in in my main family tree, I found that I already had added this

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Finnish Immigrants in Cleveland by 1915

Recently, while checking the extent of Finnish immigration to Cleveland, I found a report in the Western Reserve Historical Society Research Library entitled Foreign People in Cleveland. It was in a 1915 reprint from the Western Reserve University Bulletin, Vol. XIX, No. 8 published by the Flora Stone Mather College Alumnae Historical Association. The reprint is

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Ohio Veterans Grave Registration Database Now on recently added the collection Ohio, Soldier Grave Registrations, 1804-1958. The original data comes from the Graves Registration Cards Collection, Ohio History Connection, Columbus, Ohio. Ohio History Connection is the current name for what used to be known as the Ohio Historical Society. This database contains grave registration cards for soldiers from Ohio who served

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Why We Need to Include a Country Name with Genealogical Locations

One of the effects of using online genealogical databases in our research is that we need to enter a country name to completely identify each family history location. Back in the day before online databases, American researchers just assumed that readers of their research reports about American ancestors would know that a location reference was

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Some Links to Read about President Niinistö of Finland

As a followup to my attendance at FinnFest 2017 in Minneapolis last week (Sep 21 – 24), I have done some Google research to find links to news coverage of President Niinistö’s visit. Here is a brief selection: Dropping the Puck at NHL hockey pre-season game The President’s Personal Webpage:’ U of M

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A Blast from the Past: FinnFest 2007 Program Notes

I can hardly believe that it was 10 years ago that FinnFest was in Ashtabula. Having just returned from Minneapolis and FinnFest 2017, I was curious about what publicity for that earlier event might still be available. So I went online and checked the website for the Star Beacon, the daily newspaper published in Ashtabula.

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One Hundred Years of Finland’s Independence

Dec 6, 2017, is the day Finland will officially celebrate its centennial as an independent country. In the lead-up to that momentous day, it is appropriate that Finland has a website with information about the centennial: Suomi Finland 100. The page on that website that is very interesting to me is “One hundred years of

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