From time to time my cousin Matti in Finland sends emails with links to articles and other text material of interest to me and my brother Walfrid. This morning, he sent an item article about a Finnish national who came to America in the early 1900’s to pitch for the Chicago White Sox. It was
Read on »Posts Tagged: Online Research
Jumping into German Genealogy–An All-Day Seminar at WRHS
On Saturday, November 16, Western Reserve Historical Society will host an all-day seminar for beginning and advanced genealogists interested in researching their German ancestors. In four seminar sessions, James M. Beidler will cover the following topics: “Your Immigrants’ Germany,” “German Research Online,” “German Names and Naming Patterns,” “Online German Church Registers, Duplicates, and Substitutes.”
Read on »Finding “Gold” in a 4th Cousin+ DNA Match
The other day, a new AncestryDNA match came to my attention. It was with Riikka and was at the fourth to sixth cousin level. AncestryDNA rated the result as “Confidence: High.” In fact, the little bar used to illustrate the degree of confidence was almost completely green. Looking into the match, I saw that it was
Read on »Smallest Restaurant in World Is Where? In Finland!
My friend Amy sent an email to me recently with an interesting subject: “The Smallest Restaurant in the World.” It turns out that this restaurant — which seats only two people — is in Finland. Amy found this bit of trivia on a website named Atlas Obscura at I went to the website to read
Read on »Distant Cousin was LDS Pioneer
This morning (22 Jul 2018), I received an email from FamilySearch that I had a Pioneer Relative. When I clicked on the provided link I learned that this ancestor was Jacob Gibson, born 01 Jan 1814 in West Fallowfield Twp, Chester Co., Pennsylvania. I immediately searched to see if I had him listed in my Huskonen-Dingman-Van Court-Scheppelman
Read on »Workshop: Getting Help with Your Genealogy Research
I have been doing genealogical research for over 20 years now (Wow! Has it really been that long?). Along the way, I sought and received information about blood relatives — and collateral relatives — from other researchers both in America and abroad. On Saturday, Sept 8, 2018, I plan to share some of my experiences
Read on »FinnFest USA Set for Tampere, Finland, in June
Have passport, will travel. I have known since last fall that FinnFest 2018 would be held in Tampere, Finland. In fact, knowing this spurred me to acquire a USA passport. Now, I have learned the dates: June 24-July 1. The following note is posted on the FinnFest USA Facebook page: It’s happening! FinnFest in Tampere June
Read on »Historic Photo Website Has Andover Square Image
In my latest Google search for historic images of Andover, Ohio, I ran across a website that provided me with a wonderful image of stores lining part of the village square. The website is, with the tagline “Free Old Photo Archive.” Here is a screenshot (using the program Snagit by TechSmith) of what came up
Read on »Happy Boxing Day! But What Is Boxing Day?
I don’t have many lines extending back to England, Canada, or the former British Empire countries. But from time to time I have seen references to Boxing Day with respect to England, etc. I casually wondered what it was all about, but never enough to research it. On Christmas Day, Dick Eastman posted an explanation
Read on »Thank You for Andover (Ohio) School Yearbooks
The other day I learned that Andover School, my elementary and high school alma mater, published a yearbook for 1928. I was doing a routine search on for my grandmother Grace Darling Dingman/Tripp/Stafford (born Green; adoptive name Morley). I was searching specifically for Grace Tripp. At the time, she was married to–but separated from–John James
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