OK, so the online databases I’m writing about aren’t brand new; they were just new to me. Finding them recently reminds me to check online from time to time for records of interest.Here’s the back story: In June of 2018, I visited Finland for the annual gathering of Finnish Americans known as FinnFest. It was
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Using Google Translate To Understand Email in Finnish
On Saturday (04 Mar 2017), I sent an email in English to a cousin in Finland wishing her a happy 70th birthday. On Monday, I received the following reply: Rakkaat sukulaiseni Wally Huskonen js James _______ siellä Ameriikassa. Suuret kiitokseni 70 vuotis päiväni muistamisesta ja onnentoivotuksista. Varmaankin sisareni Heli on siitä Teille viestitellyt. pyydän välittämään tervehdykseni
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