I get my start in genealogy during a visit to the Family History Library in Salt Lake in 1992. It was during a business trip and the colleague that I was traveling with said that he was visiting the Library in the evening. He agreed to take me along. While there, I did some checking
Read on »Online Research
Flu Pandemic Claims a WWI Soldier from Ohio
This is another installment in my ongoing WWI research to commemorate America’s Centennial of entering the War in 1917. “To Appear Saturday” read the headline on page 9 in the Hutchinson News for Tuesday, 16 Jul 1918. The Reno County, Kansas, newspaper was reporting that local men had been notified to appear for physical examinations: Thirty-three
Read on »RootsMagic Moving Closer to Syncing with Ancestry.com Family Trees
Thanks to Randy Seaver and his Genea-Musing blog, I was able to view a video created by Bruce Buzbee about how his RootsMagic personal computer database program (Version 7) will shortly be able to “sync” with family trees in Ancestry.com. His post is here: http://www.geneamusings.com/2017/05/rootsmagic-provides-video-demonstrating.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+geneamusings%2FlEXw+%28Genea-Musings%29. The new capabilities of RootsMagic 7 in working with trees in
Read on »Finland Record Selection Table from FamilySearch Wiki
I have been doing genealogical research for about 20 years, and since my paternal grandparents came from Finland, I have spent a good amount of time trying to do Finnish research. FamilySearch.org has provided a table that helps organize your approach to what records to seek and how to access them. I have copied the
Read on »In Finland Cemeteries, Graves May Be Recycled after 25 Years
When I visited Finland a few years ago, I made sure that I toured the cemeteries of Vesanto and Rautalampi, the villages my grandparents emigrated from. I found several cemetery stones with Huuskonen and Hytönen (Grandma’s maiden name) engraved on them–but none were for ancestors I knew about at the time. There is a good
Read on »User Report: MyHeritage.com
For almost a year now, I have been tapping into the resources of the genealogical database provider known as MyHeritage.com. I started out by creating a free website, then I downloaded its free computer family tree database program Family Tree Builder. Intrigued by what I found, I next opened a subscription that provided access to
Read on »Learning About Gertrude Stoll
I was working on my collateral relative Albert Bryan Wagner, Al for short, gathering any information available on Ancestry.com and from other online database providers. He was the husband of Faye F Dingman, my 1st cousin once removed. I never met the man, but he was discussed by family members because he ended up owning
Read on »Using Google Translate To Understand Email in Finnish
On Saturday (04 Mar 2017), I sent an email in English to a cousin in Finland wishing her a happy 70th birthday. On Monday, I received the following reply: Rakkaat sukulaiseni Wally Huskonen js James _______ siellä Ameriikassa. Suuret kiitokseni 70 vuotis päiväni muistamisesta ja onnentoivotuksista. Varmaankin sisareni Heli on siitä Teille viestitellyt. pyydän välittämään tervehdykseni
Read on »Now Online: Meyer’s German Gazetteer
Meyer’s German Gazetteer, long an important tool for geographical research, is now online, indexed and fully searchable! That’s good news, but here is even more good news: While original book is in German, this interface is translated into English. If you are seeking a geographical place in the old German Empire (1871-1918), check out this
Read on »Is Fayetta’s Death Date Wrong on Her Headstone?
If you want an example of a unique combination of given and family names, I would offer Fayetta Salome Flaugh as a good example.Nearly 20 years ago, I attended a meeting of the Computer Assisted Genealogy Group Greater Cleveland (CAGG for short) to learn about genealogy database programs. Several members were demonstrating features of the
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