
My First Experience with

I was working just now with a tree I had started in and a record match came up for the burial of my great uncle Frank A. Betts, b 1866-d 1929, on The match was for his burial in Park Lawn Cemetery, just outside of Jamestown in Mercer County, Pennsylvania. I have visited

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Use eGENEe to Search for Genealogy Websites, Resources

I am a regular reader of Dick Eastman’s Genealogy News. In February 23, 2016, he posted an article about eGENEe, a website containing a catalog of genealogy and history websites. (To read his post, go here: He explains that Anita Brubaker, the owner of eGENEe, says she began keeping a list of useful, reliable websites

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Woman Finds Photo from Vietnam, Search for Owner Ensues

Here’s another example of how modern communication channels work. It involves a Vietnam era photograph found in a parking lot. Here is some of the story: A woman in Southwest Ohio is asking for individuals to take a few moments and give a close look at a seemingly decades-old photograph. According to WDTN, Samantha Bryson

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