Yesterday, I received the email below from my brother, Walfrid. It was a follow-up to the subject of my post on Aug 8 ( ) Wallace, Attached is my translation of Kaapro Kustaanpoika Huuskonen. I had help from Matti [a cousin in Finland and the provider of the subject biography] in translating a couple of places,
Read on »Finnish
A Gift of Family Info from Finland
My brother Walfrid has maintained regular correspondence with cousins in Finland. Recently, I asked him exactly what the relationship was. He responded with his best explanation. I entered the info in my tree. There were some missing “leaves” so I decided last evening to contact our cousin Matti myself by email and ask for
Read on »Finnish Research Strategies and Records
I get my start in genealogy during a visit to the Family History Library in Salt Lake in 1992. It was during a business trip and the colleague that I was traveling with said that he was visiting the Library in the evening. He agreed to take me along. While there, I did some checking
Read on »Finland Record Selection Table from FamilySearch Wiki
I have been doing genealogical research for about 20 years, and since my paternal grandparents came from Finland, I have spent a good amount of time trying to do Finnish research. has provided a table that helps organize your approach to what records to seek and how to access them. I have copied the
Read on »In Finland Cemeteries, Graves May Be Recycled after 25 Years
When I visited Finland a few years ago, I made sure that I toured the cemeteries of Vesanto and Rautalampi, the villages my grandparents emigrated from. I found several cemetery stones with Huuskonen and Hytönen (Grandma’s maiden name) engraved on them–but none were for ancestors I knew about at the time. There is a good
Read on »User Report:
For almost a year now, I have been tapping into the resources of the genealogical database provider known as I started out by creating a free website, then I downloaded its free computer family tree database program Family Tree Builder. Intrigued by what I found, I next opened a subscription that provided access to
Read on »History Leading to Finland’s Independence in 1917
This year, 2017, is the centennial year of Finland’s independence. This has peaked my interest in learning more about the history of the country of my paternal grandparents. It is timely therefore that the March 2017 issue of Finnish American Reporter published an article about that history. According to an Editor’s Note accompanying the article,
Read on »Using Google Translate To Understand Email in Finnish
On Saturday (04 Mar 2017), I sent an email in English to a cousin in Finland wishing her a happy 70th birthday. On Monday, I received the following reply: Rakkaat sukulaiseni Wally Huskonen js James _______ siellä Ameriikassa. Suuret kiitokseni 70 vuotis päiväni muistamisesta ja onnentoivotuksista. Varmaankin sisareni Heli on siitä Teille viestitellyt. pyydän välittämään tervehdykseni
Read on »Surnames in Finland
Today, I accessed the wiki page on labeled “Finland Surnames.” It was quite helpful as it very clearly explained the surname practices in Western Finland versus those in Eastern Finland. Eastern and western Finland have different naming traditions. Both naming customs date back to the earliest written sources. There was frequent overlap of these practices
Read on »MyHeritage Yields Finnish Researchers Interested in My Ancestors
I just gave myself a Christmas present of a premium membership to By poking around in the free version, I gathered the strong impression that this genealogical database provider has a bigger presence in Europe than I entered some very limited information about my Huuskonen (original spelling) ancestors on an online tree I created
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