Concise explanations are good! MyHeritageDNA just sent me an email explaining what happens to a DNA sample in their lab. It is short and easy to understand, so I thought I would post it here:
A sneak peek into the MyHeritage DNA lab
Feb 3 (1 day ago)
Hi Wallace,
The DNA sample of [name of relative deleted by me for her privacy] is currently being processed in our CLIA-certified DNA lab.
Status: Sample received at the lab
We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how the DNA gets processed at our lab.
Here is the process, step-by-step:
Our technicians inspect the sample and make sure it’s intact.
The DNA is extracted from the cells in the vial and amplified. In other words, we make copies of the DNA in order to make sure we have enough of it to analyze.
The DNA is placed on a custom-made DNA genotyping chip and heated to a high temperature so the DNA can attach itself to the chip (hybridization).
A computer reads the hybridized chips, producing the DNA data.
The DNA data goes through a rigorous review to ensure it meets our high quality standards.
The DNA data is uploaded to the MyHeritage website, where it is analyzed and matched, and the results are served to you!
Best regards,
The MyHeritage teamView a cool video showing the journey of a DNA sample through our lab.
This email was sent to facilitate your use of your family site on MyHeritage.
I’m looking forward to receiving the DNA test results in a few days and seeing if we can establish connections between my test subject and extended family members.
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