My brother Walfrid has maintained regular correspondence with cousins in Finland. Recently, I asked him exactly what the relationship was. He responded with his best explanation. I entered the info in my tree.
There were some missing “leaves” so I decided last evening to contact our cousin Matti myself by email and ask for more information. This morning, I opened my email and there was Matti’s answer with the specific info I was looking for–and much more! Here is what our cousin provided:
I add my information with pleasure [and he proceeded to do just that]
I also add the tables from Martti Huuskonen´s book “Huuskosen suvun vaiheita”, where you can see following:
– Aatami (1798) in table 156
– Kustaa (1828, my side) in table 158
– Otto (1832, your side) in table 161
There is also a book from Leila Ahto, ”Huuskosten sukuseura : 1955-2005 : dokumentteja ja muita muisteloita”, where are many documents (unfortunately in finnish, maybe Wally from OK [Walfrid] can help to translate) according [to] correspondence between “official” Huuskosten sukuseura and later founded Martti Huuskonen´s “Läntisten Huuskosten sukuhaaran kerho”.
I am not sure if they are interesting, but anyway I attach them.
The whole point of this post is that if I hadn’t asked, I wouldn’t have received this package of information.
Now I will be spending time, working with Walfrid (who can read Finnish) and using Google Translate, to mine additional family history information from the package cousin Matti has provided.
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