Today, I received an email from
“You Have a Mayflower Heritage!
“Discover your Mayflower connection, and learn about the sacrifices your relative made for religious freedom and greater opportunities as he helped shape the new world.”

When I clicked on the View Relationship link, it led me to my relationship with Stephen Hopkins, my 10th great-grandfather. I had previously discovered this relationship late last year during the publicity buildup to the 400-year anniversary in 2020 of the Mayflower’s arrival from England. The FamilySearch message further led me — by clicking on the green arrowheads — to Constance Hopkins, Stephen’s daughter, and Giles Hopkins, his son.
Clicking some more on the arrowheads led me to Thomas Rogers, another 10th great-grandfather, and his son, Joseph Rogers.
The FamilySearch message further indicated that passenger Moses Fletcher was my 12th great-granduncle and that the famous Miles Standish was my second cousin 11 times removed.
My kids and grandkids, of course, share these ancestors, but they also have some other Mayflower ancestry through my late wife Mary Jane Vancourt Huskonen.
The relationships to me are already in place on the FamilySearch community tree. Now I’ll be adding details for these relationships to my family tree on and my genealogy database program RootsMagic.
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