Did you know that Ancestry.com has literally hundreds of learning videos on YouTube? Here’s what Ancestry.com says about the The Ancestry YouTube Channel
At Ancestry, we work hard to provide you with the best educational tools available through our Learning Center and our Social Media networks. One of our most popular destinations is our YouTube channel where there are hundreds of videos available to view free, on demand.
I have benefited quite a bit by viewing many of these videos, learning what is available on Ancestry.com, and how to improve my search results. NOTE: You don’t have to be a subscriber to Ancestry.com to benefit from viewing these videos. Nearly all the information provided applies to Ancestry Library Edition, which you can use free at the Library of the Western Reserve Historical Society and many public libraries.
If you are interested in tapping into this free learning resource, start here: Exploring the Ancestry YouTube Channel, a five minute intro by Julianna Szucs, in which she shows off some of the offerings available 24/7 on YouTube.
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