I have done a good bit of research into finding World War II service records leading up to Veterans Day (11 Nov 2014, yesterday). In the process, I looked for guidebooks available at Western Reserve Historical Society (http://www.wrhs.org/) on such research. I used the WRHS Research Library’s new catalog search page at http://catalog.wrhs.org/collections/search. I have provided a screen capture below.

I used the search page to check for availability of a number of military research guidebooks and found two that I will be looking at during my next visit: U.S. military records: a guide to federal and state sources, Colonial America to the present, by James C. Neagles, and The great war: a guide to the service records of all the world’s fighting men and volunteers, by Christina K Schaefer.
The catalog search engine did it’s thing very quickly, producing the listings for the two books mentioned above. Furthermore, I was able to click a “Save” button on the search results page to place each result into a list of saved items.
It was then that I used the handy feature mentioned in the headline for this posting: I was able to email the Saved List to myself. In this case, I sent the two items to my cloud-based Evernote account (for info on this useful tool, go to www.evernote.com), using the unique email address assigned to me by Evernote. By sending the email to my Evernote account, I have access via the Internet to the two items from any computer or mobile device that I might have with me at WRHS–or elsewhere.
This is what the Saved List looks like:

And this is what the email to Evernote looks like:

You can bet that I will be using this approach to finding and saving info about research guides and other books more often in the future.
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